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User Manual
Latest Changes
Includes important fixes to bugs introduced in v1.5.3.0 (note v1.5.3.1 was a limited release debug version)
An important update to restore compatibility with Windows 11 64 bit systems following recent MS security updates that were incompatible with previous versions.
New settings applicable to the graphical method of assessment:
Plot titles now also includes a graph title giving the assessment name and temperature
Plot unmodified lines option now plot the original straight lines / polynomials in grey, as well as the CofA adjusted lines in black (this option is not applicable to ptp lines)
Plot derived intercepts option now plot the location of derived intercepts in grey
Improvements to the naming of assessments, removing some bugs, displaying the assessment name on the assessment sheet, and allowing a name to be changed on Results Manager by double clicking on it.
New feature introduced - extend all lines to a given low section factor. This option is not compliant with standards, but added on request to assist handling of anomalies or to provide indicative results.
New feature: tiny tweak to CofA1 graphical routine, whereby rounding to 1 decimal place check has been added before deciding whether to move lines to comply with CofA1.
Bug fix, whereby the settings and raw data were not set to clean defaults (our apologies for this)
New feature: name assessments. To help you keep track of different permutations, they can now be named on the results manager. This updates the tab names.
Bug fix, whereby ptp graphical assessments with an anomalous lowest (highest A/V) point could result in the line to the VDP being drawn incorrectly
New graphical method option for how to derive intercepts when a band does not cross a duration line: either at lowest possible section factor, or at the lowest section factor in the band that does not cross the duration.
Regression output improved to include corrected time, predicted time and deviation for each specimen at each CCT value
YB5 passive loaded check method bug fixed
Graphical method improved to handle interpolated intercepts that have the same section factors
v1.5.2.5b fixes a compilation that could cause crash in v1.5.2.5
Bug fixes to the graphical method that could result in crash
Improved handling of anomalies – whereby graphical method could give erroneous intercepts when lines were anomalous but points were not.
Bug fix – whereby import from datacel could crash for comma decimal users (further fix v1.5.2.4b)
Bug fix – whereby ignore lowest DFT exc. top band was wrongly ignore the highest DFT
Quick select all/none button added during import from Datacel
Bug fix – whereby anomalous ptp data could cause Procel to loop indefinitely
Improvement – adopt indicative graphical option to delete sections now compares DFT and Hp/A (to 3 d.p.) when determining which sections to delete. It also retains sections used in calculation of correction factors.
Minor bug fix – whereby long assessment names could cause a crash
Minor bug fix – whereby additional assessment durations could not be entered
Change implemented to online validation. Please see note above.
Improvements to the graphical indicative analysis method:
sections can now be set as not included and gaps will be permitted in the table
sections no longer need to be in ascending order to give correct graphs
auto-scope improved
bugs fixed
Important bug fix of ptp method introduced in that could cause the programme to crash
Import from Procel Excel file improved for wider compatibility with previous versions
Download link now displayed in update window
Graphical Indicative Assessment method improved.
Numerous fixes to bugs.
Added ability to leave section data blank when include set to “No”
Graphical method ptp method improved for better CofA1 handling at highest point on chart
Improved intercept handling when interpolating intercepts between bands
Copy to clipboard bug fixed
New Graphical Indicative Assessment method added.
Users can now add/remove sections, change line types, set band DFTs, manually edit intercepts, recreate DFT tables on a single page.
Default assessment type can now be set on the home page to speed use
Bug fixed whereby first line of data couldn’t be deleted
Bug fixed whereby regression analysis would give insufficient permutations message with 3 CCT values or when min/max mandatory CCT values weren’t set
Online validation and user account with two-factor authentication added.
Two-factor authentication (2FA) note: 2FA will require users to confirm their identity by clicking on a link sent to their email when attempting to login from unrecognised locations. Note that retention of IP addresses by PFP Specialists will be undertaken in accordance with our privacy policy, available at the PFP Specialists main website.
Export of DFT tables to excel added
Tables can be grouped by duration or temperature
Tables can be combined on a single sheet or kept separate