Increase efficiency and ensure accuracy
FIRECEL is assessment software for the interrogation of fire test data with respect to common certification standards. This software determines the optimum thicknesses for a product.
PROCEL is assessment optimisation software for passive and reactive PFP products with respect to common standards and guidance documents. For use by manufacturers and certification bodies.
DATACEL is a bespoke cloud-based database intended to capture all fire test data for future analysis. Compatible with advanced BI tools and seamlessly integrates with FIRECEL and PROCEL.
Aimed at test laboratories and product manufacturers, the FIRECEL Suite quickly handles raw fire test data, produces calculations and reports, captures it in a database, and provides optimised assessments for passive and reactive steelwork protection PFP. It captures test and specimen information, detects and handles anomalous data, performs calculations and produces reports. Rather than calculate only what you need on the day, it captures all information about a test in a dedicated database system for quick future access. ISO 17025 accredited laboratories benefit from the automatic production of draft reports, to their own templates.
The FIRECEL Suite turns the analysing of raw fire test data from a time-consuming business into a short task.
Aimed at: -
PFP Manufacturers
Certification bodies
Fire test laboratories