Fire doors, fire stopping & risk assessments
PFP Specialists work with a trusted partner to provide a service to survey and inspect non-structural passive fire protection aspects in buildings.
PFP Specialists are able to work with a respected industry partner on a UK-wide basis to offer surveys of fire doors and/or fire stopping. We are also able to work with them to provide fire risk assessments.
Along side our structural PFP surveys, this forms a comprehensive survey offer.
Get in touch to find out more.
Fire Door Surveys
Surveys entail a detailed check of fire doors to ensure they are safe, compliant, and effective to protect against the spread of smoke and flame in the event of a fire. The process comprises the utilisation of a mobile form whereby all aspects of a fire door set are analysed and photographed.
The following details are recorded: -
• Door ID and location
• Survey type (Nominal/Certificated)
• Door rating (FD20/30/60/120/240)
• Door measurements/dimensions
• Door/frame material and type
• Condition of frame, doorstop, hinges, lockset, glazing,seals, closer, structure, signage, and gaps
• Overall ‘Pass or Fail’ judgement
Fire Stopping Surveys
Surveys entail a detailed inspection of the passive fire protection within the property to assess and identify areas where fire resisting construction or compartmentation has been breached and whether the breaches have been fire-stopped. Typically, it involves inspecting the site, a debrief with the site representative, and production of a report discussing the significant findings of the inspection. An assessment of the overall fire stopping condition across the building will also be given based on the observations within the report.
The survey report provides a detailed, measured documentation of each fire stopping issue with photographs and recommendations on how to rectify any issues.
Fire Risk Assessments
This involves a site visit for the premises and provision of a life safety fire risk assessment report in a BAFE SP205 compliant format to satisfy your obligation under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005. The property will be provided with a BAFE certificate of conformity to demonstrate the assessment is suitable, sufficient, and has been completed in accordance with the scheme.
The assessment includes inspection of a sample of fire doors, fire stopping and fire protection measures where accessible, but a full survey of passive fire protection is outside the scope of a normal fire risk assessment. Additional surveys will be recommended where required.
A review of certain documentation forms a vital part of a fire risk assessment. This will be advised accordingly.